PPDM AGM and Member Meet, Calgary

TGS-Nopec on well data quality. Noah Consulting on merging geotechnical and financial information. OpenSpirit’s PPDM data link. DAMA/PPDM tie the knot. Infosys compares industry MDM solutions.

Jim Stolle (TGS-Nopec) advocates capturing well data quality, a.k.a. ‘goodness’ somehow in the PPDM data model - particularly with regard to spatial data. According to Stolle, the reality is that between 10 and 20% of the wellbores are missing from all industry sources. Frequently missing are pilot holes, wellbores to alternate targets and some redrills. Stolle suggests adding quality fields to the data model to indicate inadequate or absent documentation for wellbore definition. Stolle followed up by describing a string of geodetic ‘howlers’ including a database of surveys from ‘around the world’ which were actually all from the Barnett Shale area where survey reporting is notoriously unstandardized and inconsistent.

Paul Haines (Noah Consulting) outlined how geotechnical data in a PPDM data store can be blended with financial data from enterprise resource planning applications such as SAP. Many frequently asked questions (by management) can be rather hard to answer with current business systems – e.g. ‘Have we decreased work orders or improved work order turnarounds?’ or again, ‘Have we decreased unplanned downtime or optimized maintenance procedures based on market conditions?’ And in both cases, ‘What is the financial impact?’ Such questions are hard because accounting has a different world from operations – in fact, ‘We may as well be speaking different languages.’

Brian Boulmay (Tibco OpenSpirit) described how the OpenSpirit reference value catalog is used to add ‘out of the box’ conversion of units and coordinates to a multi vendor environment – including PPDM thanks to the new PPDM data connector. OpenSpirit supplies a lot of the extra ‘stuff’ that is required to make PPDM work with applications, GIS and data in general.

Deborah Henderson from the Data Management International (DAMA) organization outlined the benefits from the recent alliance between DAMA and the PPDM Association. These include complementing skill sets and mutualising member services to meet users’ information and data management needs. Members now benefit from reciprocal membership.

Rama Manne’s (Infosys) talk on master data management for E&P included a detailed comparison of solutions from Oracle, Informatica, Landmark, Schlumberger and Petris. Oracle MDM provides strong data integration and a built-in business rules engine and strong reporting but it lacks E&P specificity particularly in terms of its data quality engine. Informatica MDM shares these weaknesses but offers strong ETL capability and good integration with BPM/workflow solutions. Manne went on to compare Landmark’s PowerHub/CDS combo, Schlumberger’s Seabed and Petris’ OMS in rather more detail than we have space for (although we have to report that Petris’ OMS got a tick for PPDM compliance). More on Infosys in oil and gas from www.oilit.com/links/1012_9.

These and other presentations are available for download on www.ppdm.org.

This article originally appeared in Oil IT Journal 2010 Issue # 12.

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