de Groot-Bril has just announced a new release of its collaborative seismic integration platform, OpendTect. The major upgrade adds new 2D functionality, wavelet support, flattened scenes, horizon snapping, filtering and interpolation and several data management features.
The company also reports that Sinogeo, a Chinese E&P contractor, has joined phase II of dGB’s sequence stratigraphic interpretation system (SSIS) consortium. SSIS displays seismic in a Wheeler diagram or chronostratigraphic framework. SSIS II partners include Wintershall, ENI, BG Group and TNO.
Sinogeo president Jinming Zhou said, ‘We first performed sequence stratigraphy into China doing the work manually. While successful, this proved time consuming because of the lack of proper software. We joined the SSIS II consortium so that we can use the software and steer future developments to fit our needs.’
dGB is also planning to integrate the open source ‘Madagascar’ seismic processing project with OpendTect. Users will be able to launch a Madagascar processing job from within OpendTect with input and output files in either OpendTect or Madagascar formats. The project will span pre and post stack workflows. dGB is inviting interested parties to join the project.
This article originally appeared in Oil IT Journal 2007 Issue # 6.
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