Kappa Engineering has just released an online resource ‘Dynamic Flow Analysis’ (DFA) as a free, downloadable set of pdf documents. DFA, which includes well test interpretation and pressure transient analysis, is well-illustrated with screen shots from Kappa’s software. But the material is largely software independent, teaching techniques rather than software usage. The introduction traces DFA’s evolution from the Horner plots of yore to today’s compute-hungry algorithms. Later chapters include up to date information on permanent downhole gauges, formation testers and DTS. Highlighted sections indicate optional reads for those seeking full equation development. For us, the only downside was the awkward multiple PDF format.
In the context of Petroleum Engineering training we have also received a review copy of Karen Pedersen and Peter Christensen’s new book, Phase Behavior of Petroleum Reservoir Fluids. The authors are also founders of Danish software house Calsep. Phase Behavior is a thorough textbook treatment of the subject with an up to date account of modern petroleum engineering techniques applied to producing oil and gas in ‘challenging conditions.’ Kappa’s book can be downloaded (after registration) from www.kappaeng.com. Phase Behavior is published by Taylor and Francis—ISBN 0824706943.
This article originally appeared in Oil IT Journal 2007 Issue # 4.
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