Ikon Science and MTEM are to embed MTEM’s multi-transient electromagnetic modeling into Ikon’s RokDoc rock physics package.
Petrobras has joined Computer Modelling Group’s ‘next generation’ reservoir simulation project. CMG has been sponsored by Shell to develop a modeling system for ‘the entire hydrocarbon recovery system through point of sale.’
Object Reservoir has released Resolve 3.4, its finite element fluid flow modeler. The new release provides quick look analysis of individual wells, completion interval and reservoirs. Updates to the model such as changes in geology are automatically re-meshed with fracture properties re-computed on the fly. The new technology is particularly applicable to unconventional tight gas plays.
Peloton has announced version 3.0 of its SiteView package for surface facility and pipeline management. SiteView now offers ‘full facilities and pipeline asset tracking and management.’
Advanced Geotechnology has released a new version of its well planning and analysis software STABView. Version 3.0 introduces a mud weight window plot, graphical presentations of borehole breakouts and sensitivity analyses. AGI has also announced the second version of RocksBank, a rock mechanical and petrophysical properties database. The data base, which now includes heavy oil and oil sands reservoirs, contains samples from 3,600 locations around the world. Shell International was one of the first RocksBank licensees.
Badley Earth Science and the Dublin-based Fault Analysis Group (FAG) are cooperating to offer structural geological and fault property modeling from FAG’s TransGen3 as modules inside TrapTester EarthGrid.
de Groot-Bril has released two new plug-ins for its OpendTect environment. Developed by Ark cls the plug-ins offer Seismic Colored Inversion for rapid band-limited inversion of seismic data and Seismic Spectral Bluing—a technique that shapes the seismic spectrum to optimize the resolution ‘without boosting noise to an unacceptable level.’
The latest release of Fugro-Jason’s Geoscience Workbench introduces a new model builder, EarthModel, a 3D grid/CPG builder and RockScale modules for constructing and upscaling simulation-ready grids. The new modules leverage the FastTracker technology acquired from Volumetrix in 2003.
Ansys Software’s computational fluid dynamics unit Fluent has announced support for Microsoft Windows 64-bit Compute Cluster Server 2003. Ansys 11.0 and Fluent 6.3 leverage Microsoft’s Message Passing Interface (MPI) for data communication between processors on the cluster. The new releases also use the Microsoft Job Scheduler, an ‘off-the-shelf’ solution for launching and controlling jobs on the cluster.
A new version of Geologic Systems’ GeoScout offers proprietary data import and visualization, PNGR Reports, well data export to Excel spreadsheet templates and calculation and posting of acreage data.
Geosoft’s Oasis Montaj now offers map export to ‘Dapple’, a global data explorer for visualizing, presenting and sharing large geoscience datasets. Dapple rolls in corporate, internet DAP, WMS and government tile servers such as NASA Landsat data, or Geologic Survey of Canada geology layers.
Rackable Systems has unveiled what is claimed as the world’s first cabinet of Quad-Core Intel Xeon 5300 processor-based servers. The new system was showcased during Intel CEO Paul Otellini’s keynote address at the Intel Developer Forum this month. Cabinets house 40 Rackable Systems C1000 1U servers, packing 320 cores in a 22 unit footprint.
Siemens has announced a line of security RFID chips that guarantee tag data integrity, stopping ‘product pirates’ from eavesdropping wireless data transmission. The ‘self-contained’ solution, which does not require a permanent database connection, leverages a new, compact form of elliptic curve-based public key encryption.
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has updated its markup validation service which now includes an API for developers. The open source markup validator and link checker are ‘among W3C’s most popular and useful resources.’ More from w3.org/QA/Tools/#validators.
Impress Software’s Engineering Project Management package is currently being used by BP to synchronize project data between SAP and Primavera in the ‘transitional shutdown’ of BP’s Lingen, Germany refinery. The $60 Million project involves 2,100 external contractors and 300 BP employees.
cc-Hubwoo, which acquired the ailing Trade Ranger in 2005, has recorded a ‘partial impairment charge’ of €34.4 million.
This article originally appeared in Oil IT Journal 2006 Issue # 10.
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