Communications solutions proliferate

New solutions from M2M Corp. and Honeywell illustrate blurring of boundaries in SCADA.

Two new alliances are set to increase deployment options for remote facilities and large scale production assets. M2M Data Corporation has teamed with satellite telecoms operator Stratos Global Corp. to deliver ‘turnkey’ remote automation solutions. M2M, a provider of internet-based Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) services will leverage Stratos’ infrastructure to offer end-to-end remote automation solutions.


The solution combines M2M’s hosted monitoring and control services, and Stratos’ satellite-based communications to provide Internet connectivity in remote areas. The solution overcomes obstacles, such as lack of communications options, inflexible poll/response architecture, and high development and maintenance costs while providing round-the-clock network monitoring support and reporting.


An asset-scale communications solution has also been announced by Honeywell Process Solutions and Symbol Technologies. The ‘Enterprise Mobility Company’ will provide wireless asset management solutions, integrating Honeywell’s asset management software with Symbol’s ruggedized mobile computing, wireless infrastructure and advanced data capture devices.

This article originally appeared in Oil IT Journal 2004 Issue # 3.

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