Following its successful Web OpenWorks (WOW) product, now owned by Landmark, Exprodat has developed a front end to data held in Paradigm’s Geolog database. Exprodat director Bruce Rodney told Oil IT Journal, “The product’s name is the ‘Log Data Browser - in keeping with the Exprodat Technology ‘Ronseal’ approach to marketing, i.e. it does what it says on the can.”
Enterprise Oil
Log Data Browser (LDB) was originally developed by Exprodat for Enterprise Oil. Initially, Exprodat co-funded development in exchange for intellectual property rights. Ongoing development is now entirely supported by Exprodat. Current clients include Enterprise and Marathon. LDB, like WOW is a server-side Web application and applies Exprodat’s philosophy of a lightweight, ‘find it fast’ front end to log data management.
Excel link
LDB offers the user functional access to data in Geolog. Users can drill down through projects, wells, sets and logs. Log and set comments and constants can be viewed and rudimentary log graphs displayed and curve values downloaded into Excel. Plot parameters can be set by the user. Search across wells in a set or project is facilitated by drop down lists which are built on the fly from live projects.
Real soon now!
Future enhancements to LDB include multi-log graphs and downloads, improved curve scaling, add tops to curve graphs and editing of well and set comments. LDB is a component of Marathon’s portal of portals enterprise application integration solution - see our report on the PNEC conference inside this issue.
Archiver sold
Landmark continues to value Exprodat’s developments and has just bought the Archiver project management system. The Exprodat Archiver was originally developed for Conoco as a web-based project archival system managing information from multiple applications. Under the terms of the deal, Exprodat will continue to develop and support the Archiver. Now that Exprodat has rolled out the ‘Browser’ and the ‘Archiver’ it is working hard on the next component of its data managenment front-end, the ‘Administrator’.